English 1102 (#84784)

English 1102 (#84784)
M/W: 5:30-6:45

Monday, August 22, 2016

Welcome to our blog!

Dear Class,

Welcome to our blog for the semester! This is a space to extend our conversation of pop culture beyond the classroom. You are required to submit a brief post (250 words minimum) each week. Your post can be about anything related to pop culture and the discussions we're having in class. The posts should be analytical rather than summary-based. You want to break down and interpret pop culture phenomena rather than just summarize the content of a film, song, TV show, etc. This is definitely not a place for you to gush about what you like, or to engage in celebrity gossip. It definitely is a space to record your reactions to the mass media and entertainment we consume every day. 

Sometimes I may give you specific prompts to respond to, but more often than not, it will be up to you to choose a topic to write about. Including links to videos, images, audio clips, etc., is absolutely encouraged. I will check the blog every Monday afternoon to see if you've completed your post for the week, and commented on one other post. Remember to be courteous and constructive with all of your comments! 

Have fun!

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